Social Media Marketing

What Is Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing refers to the use of websites and social media platforms to advertise a service or product. Social media marketing is growing in popularity among both professionals and researchers, despite the fact that e-marketing and digital marketing are still the most used terminology in academia.

The major social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat.

How Do We Work

Identifying the Target Audience

The success of any campaign is largely dependent on how well you understand your audience's pulse. We need to first gather data and understand customer insights before we can foresee and anticipate trends.

Identifying & Evaluating Audience Need

If you are aware of what your audience wants, you can connect with them more effectively. To create data-driven decisions that will best connect with the audience and promote your business, our strategists examine the behaviour of your competitor and look into the objectives of your brand.

Restructuring Our Communication

Our team have full knowledge of what needs to be done and is always coming up with new ideas to capture the essence of your business. We design plans that are specific to your goals & quickly change direction to take into consideration new trends.​

Keeping Up With Design

Our team includes writers, strategists, designers, photographers, and videographers, who work together to make sure that there is no gap in the communication about your business.

Optimizing Campaign

After creating content that will make people want to read through it, we design campaigns that offer your target audience the things they need at the right time to keep your brand in their minds.

Social Media Marketing Types

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.


The "content marketing" subfield of online marketing is concerned with creating, distributing, and publishing content for a particular audience.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of social media promotion that involves sponsored content and reviews from influencers or persons and organizations that are thought to be experts in their area or to have a major social impact.

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Advertising is a form of non-personal, publicly funded audio and visual marketing communication that promotes or sells a good, service, or idea.

Paid Media Marketing

Paid media refers to inorganic marketing efforts that are handled by the paid placement agency. It means you have to pay for your advertisement. Paid media has become an important component of online businesses.

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